Consumerism TED talk delivered by Global Innovation Leader & Growth Strategist

Consumerism TED talk delivered by Global Innovation Leader & Growth Strategist

Consumerism TED talk | What is the Future of Consumerism? What is Conscious Consumerism? Lindsay delivers a TEDx talk titled "The Business Model Puzzle: How brands thrive beyond crisis" shedding light on the Topic of Consumerism, Consumer Choices and the Post-pandemic Consumer. Beyond providing a fresh and unique way of looking at business value, she also touches on the ethics of business & economics, a topic under the lime light over the past year.

Where are all the Female Futurists?

Where are all the Female Futurists?

Female Futurists. Why are there not more of them? And who are some leading female futurists? This post explores why there aren't more female futurists, where to find the top female futurists and what to expect from a futurist.