Independent Consulting Course

Permissionless Success Stories: From Corporate Consultant to Independent Consultant; Paving the Way for Future Generations

Permissionless Success Stories: From Corporate Consultant to Independent Consultant; Paving the Way for Future Generations

The Permissionless Consultant Accelerator recently celebrated the completion of its inaugural BETA cohort, featuring five outstanding professionals who embarked on a transformational journey. An atypical program, the accelerator offers a unique opportunity for those daring to redefine their professional paths. And guess what? The BETA cohort just wrapped up, leaving behind a trail of transformative stories. Amongst them? The story of Athena Peppes (She/Her), a thought leadership researcher hailing from London, whose unique journey exemplifies the essence of 'permissionless'.

Permissionless Success Stories: Breaking Boundaries in Inclusion & Innovation

Permissionless Success Stories: Breaking Boundaries in Inclusion & Innovation

The Permissionless Consultant Accelerator recently celebrated its inaugural BETA cohort, featuring five outstanding professionals who embarked on a transformational journey. An atypical program, the accelerator offers a unique opportunity for those daring to redefine their professional paths. And guess what? The BETA cohort just wrapped up, leaving behind a trail of transformative stories One such inspiring tale is that of Jeff Spencer. Read Jeff’s story below.

Permissionless Success Stories: Harnessing 'Lightning in a Bottle' in Interactive Entertainment"

Permissionless Success Stories: Harnessing 'Lightning in a Bottle' in Interactive Entertainment"

The Permissionless Consultant Accelerator recently celebrated its inaugural BETA cohort, featuring five outstanding professionals who embarked on a transformational journey. An atypical program, the accelerator offers a unique opportunity for those daring to redefine their professional paths. And guess what? The BETA cohort just wrapped up, leaving behind a trail of transformative stories. One such inspiring tale is that of Derrick Fields. Read Derrick’s story below.

Permissionless Success Stories: Redefining the Marketing Arena

Permissionless Success Stories: Redefining the Marketing Arena

The Permissionless Consultant Accelerator recently celebrated its inaugural BETA cohort, featuring five outstanding professionals who embarked on a transformational journey. An atypical program, the accelerator offers a unique opportunity for those daring to redefine their professional paths. And guess what? The BETA cohort just wrapped up, leaving behind a trail of transformative stories. Amongst our graduates is Bhaishmi Anandathirtan. Read Bhaishmi’s story.

Permissionless Success Stories: Trailblazing a Path in Financial Foresight Consulting and Coaching

Permissionless Success Stories: Trailblazing a Path in Financial Foresight Consulting and Coaching

The Permissionless Consultant Accelerator recently celebrated its inaugural BETA cohort, featuring five outstanding professionals who embarked on a transformational journey. An atypical program, the accelerator offers a unique opportunity for those daring to redefine their professional paths. And guess what? The BETA cohort just wrapped up, leaving behind a trail of transformative stories. Amongst our graduates is Brandy Baxter, a financial counselor and foresight strategist from Dallas, TX, whose story is a shining example of innovation and determination in the world of financial consulting. Brandy completed the Permissionless Consultant accelerator and our Futurist-in-50-Days training. Read her story below.