Independent Consulting Training

Permissionless Success Stories: From Corporate Consultant to Independent Consultant; Paving the Way for Future Generations

Permissionless Success Stories: From Corporate Consultant to Independent Consultant; Paving the Way for Future Generations

The Permissionless Consultant Accelerator recently celebrated the completion of its inaugural BETA cohort, featuring five outstanding professionals who embarked on a transformational journey. An atypical program, the accelerator offers a unique opportunity for those daring to redefine their professional paths. And guess what? The BETA cohort just wrapped up, leaving behind a trail of transformative stories. Amongst them? The story of Athena Peppes (She/Her), a thought leadership researcher hailing from London, whose unique journey exemplifies the essence of 'permissionless'.

Permissionless Success Stories: Breaking Boundaries in Inclusion & Innovation

Permissionless Success Stories: Breaking Boundaries in Inclusion & Innovation

The Permissionless Consultant Accelerator recently celebrated its inaugural BETA cohort, featuring five outstanding professionals who embarked on a transformational journey. An atypical program, the accelerator offers a unique opportunity for those daring to redefine their professional paths. And guess what? The BETA cohort just wrapped up, leaving behind a trail of transformative stories One such inspiring tale is that of Jeff Spencer. Read Jeff’s story below.

Permissionless Success Stories: Harnessing 'Lightning in a Bottle' in Interactive Entertainment"

Permissionless Success Stories: Harnessing 'Lightning in a Bottle' in Interactive Entertainment"

The Permissionless Consultant Accelerator recently celebrated its inaugural BETA cohort, featuring five outstanding professionals who embarked on a transformational journey. An atypical program, the accelerator offers a unique opportunity for those daring to redefine their professional paths. And guess what? The BETA cohort just wrapped up, leaving behind a trail of transformative stories. One such inspiring tale is that of Derrick Fields. Read Derrick’s story below.

Permissionless Success Stories: Redefining the Marketing Arena

Permissionless Success Stories: Redefining the Marketing Arena

The Permissionless Consultant Accelerator recently celebrated its inaugural BETA cohort, featuring five outstanding professionals who embarked on a transformational journey. An atypical program, the accelerator offers a unique opportunity for those daring to redefine their professional paths. And guess what? The BETA cohort just wrapped up, leaving behind a trail of transformative stories. Amongst our graduates is Bhaishmi Anandathirtan. Read Bhaishmi’s story.

Permissionless Success Stories: Trailblazing a Path in Financial Foresight Consulting and Coaching

Permissionless Success Stories: Trailblazing a Path in Financial Foresight Consulting and Coaching

The Permissionless Consultant Accelerator recently celebrated its inaugural BETA cohort, featuring five outstanding professionals who embarked on a transformational journey. An atypical program, the accelerator offers a unique opportunity for those daring to redefine their professional paths. And guess what? The BETA cohort just wrapped up, leaving behind a trail of transformative stories. Amongst our graduates is Brandy Baxter, a financial counselor and foresight strategist from Dallas, TX, whose story is a shining example of innovation and determination in the world of financial consulting. Brandy completed the Permissionless Consultant accelerator and our Futurist-in-50-Days training. Read her story below.

Unlock New Career Opportunities as an Independent Business Consultant

Unlock New Career Opportunities as an Independent Business Consultant

Are you a business professional seeking a flexible career path to utilize your skills and extensive industry knowledge? If so, it's time to explore the realm of independent consultant jobs. What does an independent consultant do? Why become one? Embark on a journey that uncovers the potential of independent consulting, opening up a plethora of exciting career possibilities.