Women to Watch Update | Growth Strategist + Global Innovation Leader, Lindsay Angelo

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Published by: 425 Magazine

Lindsay Angelo, a growth strategist and impact speaker, described entrepreneurship as a “beautiful world of technicolor.” Angelo rose to the challenge of launching her own consulting firm in 2017, after a six-year career at Lululemon.

Angelo was one of the five women comprising our 2019 Women to Watch class. Her bold face-your-fears message at the fourth annual 425 Women to Watch event inspired others to make the most of their personal and professional lives.

“Fear is an invisible wall. Once you run into it, you realize there was never anything there in the first place,” Angelo said at the event, quoting her old track coach.

Angelo has continued to run through the “invisible wall” of fear, even amid a global pandemic. She has grown her strategy and marketing consulting business threefold and developed a signature blueprint for driving brand growth and impact.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Angelo said a lot of brands were trying to figure out how to pivot their marketing strategies and models. She partnered with several companies and helped them pivot to serve the post-pandemic consumer.

This year, she launched her newest digital marketing product, Get Amp’d, aimed at helping brands amplify their online presence and drive site traffic. Get Amp’d is a content marketing-meets-PR engine that leverages artificial intelligence to supercharge a brand’s digital footprint.

“I was noticing a lot of brands underinvesting in digital marketing and becoming overwhelmed by how much there is to know,” she said. “I decided it was time for a simple solution.”

Read more here.